Concise Minutes - Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: Monday, 15 November 2021

Meeting time: 13.30 - 14.50
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Huw Irranca-Davies MS (Chair)

Rhys ab Owen MS

Alun Davies MS

Peter Fox MS

Committee Staff:

P Gareth Williams (Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Second Clerk)

Nia Moss (Researcher)

Ben Harris (Legal Adviser)

Gareth Howells (Legal Adviser)

Jennifer Cottle (Legal Adviser)



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

There were no apologies or substitutions.


The Chair noted that, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Minister for Climate Change was unable to attend the scheduled evidence session on the Legislative Consent Memoranda on the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill and the Building Safety Bill and therefore Items 2 and 7 of the agenda had been cancelled. In private, the Committee agreed to write to the Minister with a series of questions in relation to the Memoranda.



2       Legislative Consent Memoranda on the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill and the Building Safety Bill: Evidence session with the Minister for Climate Change - CANCELLED



3       Instruments that raise issues to be reported to the Senedd under Standing Order 21.2 or 21.3



3.1   SL(6)068 - The Development Procedure (Consultees) (Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Order 2021

The Committee considered the instrument with the Welsh Government response and agree to report to the Senedd in line with the reporting point identified.



3.2   SL(6)072 - The Valuation for Rating (Wales) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2021

The Committee considered the instrument with the Welsh Government response and agreed to report to the Senedd in line with the reporting points identified. In addition, the Committee agreed to write to the Welsh Government to seek further clarification in relation to its response.



4       Written Statements under Standing Order 30C



4.1   WS-30C(6)003 - The Animal Health, Plant Health, Seeds and Seed Potatoes (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2021

The Committee noted the statement and the commentary. The Committee agreed to write to the Welsh Government to seek further clarification in relation to the statement.



5       Papers to note



5.1   Correspondence from the Chair of the Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee: Common Frameworks Programme

The Committee noted the letter from the Chair of the House of Lords Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and, in private session, agreed to write to the Common Frameworks Scrutiny Committee to acknowledge the points raised in the letter.



5.2   Correspondence from the Minister for Economy: Free Trade Agreement between the UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway

The Committee noted the letter from the Minister for Economy.



5.3   Correspondence from the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Meeting of the Finance Ministers' Quadrilateral

The Committee noted the letter from the Minister for Finance and Local Government.



5.4   Correspondence from the Chair of the House of Lords Constitution Committee: Constitution Committee’s visit to the Senedd Cymru

The Committee noted the letter from the Chair of the House of Lords Constitution Committee.



5.5   Correspondence from the First Minister: The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) (No.19) and (No.20) Regulations 2021 and Written Statement

The Committee noted the letter from the First Minister.



6       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

The Committee agreed the motion.



7       Legislative Consent Memoranda on the Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Bill and the Building Safety Bill: Consideration of evidence - CANCELLED



8       Supplementary Legislative Consent Memorandum: Skills and Post-16 Education Bill

The Committee considered the Welsh Government’s Supplementary Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Skills and Post-16 Education Bill and discussed the key issues to be included in its report. The Committee noted that its report on the Legislative Consent Memorandum, considered on 11 October 2021 but not yet laid, would be amended to include reference to the Supplementary Legislative Consent Memorandum. The Committee agreed to consider its revised report at the next meeting.



9       Supplementary Legislative Consent Memorandum: Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts

The Committee considered the Welsh Government’s Supplementary Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill and the key issues to be included in its report. The Committee agreed to consider its draft report at the next meeting.



10    Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Subsidy Control Bill - Consideration of draft report

The Committee considered and agreed, subject to minor amendments, its report on the Welsh Government’s Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Subsidy Control Bill. The Committee noted that the report would be laid by the required deadline.



11    Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Elections Bill - Consideration of draft report

The Committee considered and agreed, subject to minor amendments, its report on the Welsh Government’s Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Elections Bill. The Committee noted that the report would be laid by the required deadline.



12    Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill - Correspondence

The Committee noted the correspondence in relation to the Welsh Government’s Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill.



13    Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement between Senedd Cymru and the Welsh Government

The Committee considered and agreed its report on the Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement. The Committee noted that the report would be laid in due course and that it would be seeking a Plenary debate in order for the Senedd to note the Agreement.



14    Common frameworks

The Committee noted the letter from the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution. The Committee agreed to write to the Counsel General to seek clarification in relation to the timescales for forthcoming common frameworks.





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